Event Booking System
Eventual is an Event Booking System for Video Courses, Workshops, Restaurants, Seminar, Fairs, Coaching, Transport, Watch Party, Travel.
Key Highlights of the Product:- Allow users to book events.
- Manage events by day, week, month, special day or custom date for a desired period.
- Credit card, debit card payment through PayPal, Strip.
- Product presentation video if any.
- Quick view, review, comment, slider, popup, customer registration, mRSS generator.
- Highly secured system build with php
- Purchase and sales history.
- Multi level user access.
- Review, testimonial and wishlist ranking.
- B2C sales model (Traditional retail sales to individuals).
- Display user interfaces of apps using multi Screenshots
- Images and Screenshots Maintenance Manager
- Responsive eMail Template for targeted eMail Marketing
- Online marketing and sales tracking system with social share buttons
- Approve, edit and delete product
- Mobile friendly fully responsive.
- Contact page template with google map.
- PHP Content Management System.
- Search bar and result page.